We are a coalition of organizations with bases and roots in Pennsylvania seeking to elevate what multiple polls are showing are the top priorities for voters in 2024: the rising cost of living and jobs with living wages. Pennsylvania's minimum wage for all workers of just $7.25 and subminimum wage for tipped workers of just $2.83 an hour are woefully inadequate to cover the cost of living in the state; per the MIT Living Wage Calculator, one person living in a two-parent, two-child household in Pennsylvania would need at least $42.03 to cover basic living costs such as transportation, food and housing. The subminimum wage for tipped workers in particular is a direct legacy of slavery that forces a workforce that is mostly women to tolerate the worst economic instability and sexual harassment of any industry because they must tolerate inappropriate behavior to feed their families in tips. The Pennsylvania Living Wage for All Campaign & Coalition seeks to uplift the voices and needs of working people across the state, identify candidates and electeds who are supportive of raising wages closer to the cost of living and ending all subminimum wages statewide, and those who are not, and mobilize voters in support of candidates and electeds who stand for a 'Living Wage for All.'
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On Tuesday, February 27, we held a Town Hall on these issues with PA Lieutenant Governor Austin Davis and State Reps. Malcolm Kenyatta and Chris Rabb. Watch the recording here!
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